Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rock N River

Rock N River water park is lots of fun. We spent the day there today with our new home school co-op. The boys loved the water slides.

Hannah was bummed because she's not quite tall enough to go on them, but she had fun with all the girls in our group in the lazy river. Mitchell and Hunter loved the little frog water slide. Emma and Kailey both loved running around and splashing in the shallow areas. Staying near the water is pretty much the only way to tolerate this heat. It was 103○ again today! I didn't get very many pics because they were never still enough and I had my hands full with 7 kids and no other adult! (What was I thinking?) It all turned out great though, and we had a blast. time I think I'll take Brendan along;)

1 comment:

Christina said...

Oh I should take my kids there!! Looks like fun!!