Sunday, December 27, 2009

Looney 2009

Merry Christmas to your home from mine.
We hope y'all had a great 2009!

Ours was terrific, but went by so fast.
We're working real hard, but having a blast.

As for Brendan and Mandi, there's nothing new,
But here's this year's scoop on our little crew.

Taylor, 13, has grown so tall.
He's past Mom's height on our measure wall.
He's busy, as always, with band and football.

Nine-year-old Tanner still likes to run.
He loves pocket knives and his air soft gun.
And video games are still lots of fun.

Don't judge Hannah by her size.
Our seven year old is quite a surprise.
She loves to sew, cook, clean, and organize!

Hunter is sweeter than most five-year old boys.
He likes spending time with his cousin and playing with toys.

Kailey, now two, is such a mess!
She has to wear lipstick and a dress!
Her long, brown ringlets are fun to caress.

Drop us a line; let us know how you've been.
Hope to spend some time with you in two thousand ten!

The Looney's