Friday, November 21, 2008

Hunter's 1st Testing

Hunter tested for his first rank in our tiger cubs program. He received his new belt at our awards ceremony tonight. He is now a tiger cub yellow belt. It's a white belt with a yellow stripe down the middle. He started TaeKwonDo right after his 4th birthday. He loves it and begs to take class every day.
Here he is with his cousin and best buddy, Mitchell. I don't know how we managed to keep them still even long enough for one picture. For part of their testing they have to stand at attention without moving for a whole 30 seconds. It's very difficult for 4 year olds.

Mitchell tested for and received his cub brown belt. We sure love and are proud of these guys even if they are super silly. ♥

1 comment:

Christina said...

Look how proud he is!! Super cute! WTG Hunter!!