Kailey was a ballerina for Halloween. She loved her tutu and had a blast trick-or-treating!
Hunter couldn't make up his mind, so he ended up being a ninja and Batman!
Here is Hannah as a cute little old woman. Her and Tanner thought of their own costumes this year.

Tanner dressed up as an old man. He was hilarious! He looked just like pictures of his great-great grandpa Silviano Lucero. People also said he looked like my dad. I guess my Dad thought he needed to look older than his grandkids, so he dressed up too. He made some trick-or-treaters cry! Kailey plugged her nose and said he was stinky! I guess she doesn't know the words old or ugly yet.
Y'all are SO cute!! Love all the costumes and that first pic CRACKS me up!! :) What an adorable family!
I love Hannah and Tanner's costumes, that is funny that they thought of that themselves. What a cute family!
What funny Halloween pictures. Fred and I laughed so hard at the ballerina and the old couple. Hannah's pose is so funny. Brendan is unrecognizable in that face paint. I'm guessing it's him. You're looking up, so it has to be.
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