Taylor had an awesome track season. Throughout the season he participated in alot of events. He ran the 2400m, the 400m, the 200m, the 100m, the 1400m relay. He also did high jump and polevalt. The polevalt is my favorite event to watch. He did great! He's really fast. He must get it from Brendan's side of the family, because I can't run or jump. We're so proud of you Taylor!

Can you see Taylor down there on the bottom right? Ya, the one in first place. Told you he was fast.

Taylor polevalting

One of the best things about track meets was getting to spend time with our best friends in the whole world. Here's Taylor with Ryan. These guys met at age three. They were in Bee School together, a pre-school co-op that we did. We've been so blessed that these kiddos could grow up together this long. Even though they've gone to different schools, they've been to all each others birthday parties and their baptism. It was so fun too see them compete together!

Here's Tanner with Jake. These guys were friends before they could walk!

Hannah and Megan. Kailey's in there too. Friends since birth. Literally!
Hunter and Will were there too, but ran off with a pack of boys and a foot ball and somehow escaped my camera:( I'll get them next time.