Friday, September 4, 2009

Pioneer Farms

Our homeschool group, The Royal Academy, had our first field trip today. We loaded up all of our kiddos and went to Pioneer farms. It was really interesting. Here's our kids all gathered on the front porch of an 1800's plantation home.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hannah's 7!! August 28th

Our pricncess Hannah is 7 already! She's in second grade this year. She's a Sr. Brown Belt in TaeKwonDo and a 2nd Degree white belt in Jiu-Jitsu. Her favorite color is green. She wants to be a vet when she grows up. We love you Hannah! Happy Birthday!

First Day of School

Here's Taylor heading for 7th grade. He's in Symphonic band this year and plays the baratone. He's also playing football this year.

Tanner and Hannah are being homeschooled this year. We are part of a homeschool co-op that we've put togeather with 6 families that we go to church with. We have school togeather 3 days a week. And a field trip every Friday! I'm the history teacher and the science assistant.

Hannah's in 2nd grade!

Tanner's first day of 4th grade!