We drove the 800 miles to Birmingham, AL for the ITA's 2009 World Championships & festival.

We caravan with my parents and the Crawfords, a family of our students. The kids did great on the drive.

All of our kids competed in the tournament and did great. Even Nana competed and got 3rd place in sparring! Tanner got a 3rd in forms. Hunter got first, but all cubs get first(That way no one cries). Haven got 2nd in forms and 2nd in sparring. Caleb got a 3rd and a 1st. And Chad and Angel both got 3rd in forms.

Our kids always love going on trips like this. They love swimming in the pool at the hotel. But I think their favorite part is jumping on the beds.
Here is some pictures we took on the way as we crossed form Louisiana to Mississippi.

The Mississippi River
Mississippi's state tree, the Magnolia, had to be climbed.