Tanner recieved his First Degree Level 3 Black Belt!

Taylor tested for his 3rd Degree Black Belt! We are unbielivebly proud. This acomplishment represents 8 years of training and dedication.
Brief glimses into our crazy life!
Tanner recieved his First Degree Level 3 Black Belt!
Taylor tested for his 3rd Degree Black Belt! We are unbielivebly proud. This acomplishment represents 8 years of training and dedication.
All in all it was a pretty successful day. The kids are all happy with their new teachers. Taylor is excited about middle school. He especially liked his funny quest teacher and is excited about playing the trumpet in band. Tanner has Ms. Walthers and gets to have his classroom out in portables this year.(It's kind of a novelty I guess). Hannah already knew almost every kid in her class & made a new friend named Morgan. And I almost made it through the whole day with out tears.